School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320


  • CANDIDATES OFFERED ADMISSION It is hereby notified that only candidates who have completed the admission formalities and are in possession of the school ID Card may proceed with the purchase of books and uniforms. Please note that the school will not be responsible for parents procuring books and uniforms without holding a valid School Identity Card. Principal


Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.

School Management System

The BGES School (ICSE) is run through fully automated management system commonly known as SS 13.1 in conjunction with its website thebgesschool. com. Each student has an individual profile which can be accessed through personalised ID and password issued to each student at the time of admission. All information with students records are available. The student is able to interact with the school through this personal portal, be it for paying fees and various other charges, request for absence from school, request for participation in various activities, request for transfer Certificate, apology letter and various other functions.

Also through a special tab ‘Contact Us’, through which the parents can send their queries to the school.

Combined with this is the Notice Board on the school Web site which is kept updated at all times. The school has integrated Email sending and SMS messaging to the SS 13.1 facilitating a smooth flow of information to the students and guardians. All this has been done in view to minimise the requirement of parents and guardians to visit school for small administrative problems.


The BGES School (ICSE) has a notification Application as a replacement of Bulk sending SMS. The School Notification  App “The BGES School (ICSE)” is now available on Google play store  link as follows as also as per screen shot given below.

Once you download the app you will be automatically registered in the school management System SS 13.1 enabling the student/parent receive notifications sent from the School.

Log In ID and Password will be same as for School Management System SS 131.

The App will be available only for Android phone. Not compatible with I Phones.

School from time to time will send information through the notification App for the convenience of the students and parents. This will be information in addition to the OFFICIAL NOTICE put up on the school Notice Board available on the school Website, which shall be treated as the official communication.

While communicating with the school please do not use WA messaging on any of the school numbers/Principal’s Number/DHM’s Number/Teacher’s Number. All communication to school are to be made through E Mail through contact us.

When communicating with the school Please mail through contact us from student’s portfolio ONLY. Log in to student’s portfolio. On to right Tab "Other Menus" click and then click "Contact us". 


From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
House System

The school has four houses named after famous national leaders Tagore, Patel, Nehru and Gandhi.

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Beyond Class rooms Download School Prospectus Virtual Tour

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