School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320


  • CANDIDATES OFFERED ADMISSION It is hereby notified that only candidates who have completed the admission formalities and are in possession of the school ID Card may proceed with the purchase of books and uniforms. Please note that the school will not be responsible for parents procuring books and uniforms without holding a valid School Identity Card. Principal


Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.

Child Protection Policy

A Child Protection Policy (CPP) is a set of guidelines and procedures designed to ensure the safety and well-being of students in an institution. The primary goal of our school is to create a safe environment for students and promote the holistic development of the students. The school has zero tolerance for any act of violence, bullying, abuse, or harassment against children.

·         The acts and offences which are to be reported under the CPP include physical violence, ragging, mental harassment, sexual harassment, cyber-bullying, stalking and penal offences under the POCSO Act (The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012).

·         A written complaint by a student and/or parent may be handed over to any teacher, counsellor, Dy. Headmistress or Principal which will be kept confidential to protect the child. No verbal complaint will be accepted.

·         A written report of the incident must be signed by the complainant, parent and one of the CPC members. If the complainant and his/her parents refuse to sign the note it must be kept with the record.

·         A Child Protection Committee is present in the school comprising of the Dy. Headmistress, 2 seniormost teachers and the counsellor who will investigate the matter reported under CPP.

·         The Child Protection Committee (CPC) must have a meeting at the beginning of every academic year, followed by one meeting every quarter.

·         Investigation will be done following standard protocol and will be throughout kept confidential. The child will be informed about the outcome once the investigation is completed.

·         In case of criminal offense, CPC must conduct a meeting within 1 hour and for non-legal offenses meeting must be held within 24 hours after the complaint has been filed.

·         The school will report the offence to the concerned law enforcement agencies as and when required.

·         If abuse is reported against any existing student or school staff, then he/she will be suspended for 15 days within which all investigations must be completed.

·         Background checks must be done for all the children and staff involved in the incident.

·         About any complaint, concerned parents will be informed immediately after discussion with the authority.

·         If the reported allegations turn out to be false, then an investigation will be done against the complainant.

·         When the matter is closed, the school will keep a post-incident report. A record must be kept using a reference number.

·         Amendments will be done in the CPP from time to time by the CPC.

·         Awareness programs are organized for students to educate them about child protection issues, Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 and POCSO, 2012.


·         Students must refrain themselves from using derogatory remarks for fellow classmates, juniors and seniors in school.

·         No physical contact is allowed among students and with other staff members.

·         Be respectful about the privacy and dignity of each child.

·         Treat all students equally irrespective of their cultural and physical differences.

·         Avoid using language that is abusive and hurtful to other children.

·         In case of any misconduct, child must report immediately to a teacher, DHM or Principal without any hesitation.

·         Student must refrain from sharing personal information about themselves and others that can be used against them.

·         In case of any offensive act, students must not conduct their own investigation.

·         Bullying and ragging is strictly prohibited in school and must be reported to DHM and Principal.

·         Students must not loiter around the school without any reason.




·         Teachers must report immediately any suspicious behavior. It is a criminal offense to conceal incidents of child abuse.

·         Respect and encourage children’s opinions.

·         Teachers must be conscious and responsive regarding the changes in the behavior of a child and provide necessary support.

·         Teachers must educate children regarding their rights, issues of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

·         Teachers must be careful while handing over their laptop to children for use.

·         School staff must be empathetic towards the requirement and needs of the child.

·         School staff  must refrain themselves from any behavior or talk which is inappropriate or sexually proactive.

·         School staff  must not engage in any communication with a child inside or outside the school duties that may make the child feel uncomfortable.

·         School staff must not engage in any form of physical contact with the child violating boundaries.

·         A complaint against any school staff will be reported to DHM/Principal and will be investigated by them upon which decision taken by them will be final in all cases.

·         Teachers must generate confidence among students to report against any incident of bullying, ragging or abuse.

·         All school staff must be provided any ID card which they must carry always.

·         Visitors must be allowed only with appointment and must be regulated by Principal.


                                                                                                              Reference No.-

Name of Complainant -

Registration No. of student -                                      Class-                                     Section-

Session-                                                                          Class Teacher-

Relationship of complainant with student (if any) -                                                                     

Contact No. –

Suspect-  Student             StaStaff             Any other

If known, mention name of the suspect-

Date of incident-

Time of incident -

Place of incident-

Brief description of the incident-



Names of witnesses to the incident (if any) -


Do you want to file a complaint under CPP-  YES     NO


Signature of Complainant                            Signature of CPC                                 Signature of Principal


From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
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