School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320


  • CANDIDATES OFFERED ADMISSION It is hereby notified that only candidates who have completed the admission formalities and are in possession of the school ID Card may proceed with the purchase of books and uniforms. Please note that the school will not be responsible for parents procuring books and uniforms without holding a valid School Identity Card. Principal


Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.




At The BGESS, we don't believe in enforcing stringent rules and regulations on a student, but rules which are meaningful and conducive to the development of the student. Students are given two warnings on breaking a rule and their parents are informed. But repetition of the same action is strictly dealt with and disciplinary actions are taken against the students.

Students are required to bring the School Diary to school every day. They are advised to keep their identity cards with them even outside school.

Any actions on the part of students/or guardian detrimental to the interest of the Institution will be considered as indiscipline and will be dealt with firmly.

No outside books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers shall be brought into the school without prior permission.

Distribution of any kind of literature or media of any kind amongst students or staff is strictly prohibited.

No Mobile phone/cellular phone/ smart watch/ wireless communication device (with or without SIM) is permitted in school under any circumstances, including events organised by school beyond the school premises. 

WARNING: It is hereby warned that with reference to above, if the items mentioned therein are brought to school/ event of school / Knowingly / Unknowingly / by mistake, these be deposited before the start of school event with NO ONE ELSE BUT THE PRINCIPAL. No excuse / explanation will be accepted including "Have asked / Informed so and so teacher.” 

The same will be confiscated and can be got back by the parents after submitting appropriate 'Apology Letter'.

Available through School Mgnt System, to the Headmaster.


No collection for any purpose, whatsoever, is to be started without prior permission of the Headmaster.Presents to the members of the staff or any demonstration in their honour are not allowed under any circumstances. Students are not allowed to distribute presents in class on birthdays. They may however bring two sweets per child for their section only. In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is to be noted that no special merriment in the form of cutting birthday cakes and so on amongst groups of students during the lunchbreak is allowed within the school premises on the occasion of any student's birthday and no offering of gifts to fellow class mates and teachers in any style other than 2 toffees will be entertained in the school. Distribution of sweets in the variety of chocolate bars and the like is strictly prohibited. All parents / guardians and students are therefore requested to adhere to the aforementioned rules in letter and spirit, violation thereof may entail adverse consequences.

Students are expected to respect and maintain the school property. They must help keep the school campus clean by disposing of waste in dustbins.

No student shall indulge in practices such as spitting, damaging school property, rude behaviour, disobedience, use of violence, abusing etc.

No valuable articles like watches, cell phones, jewellery etc. should be brought to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage of personal expensive items brought to school without the knowledge of the school authorities. The students are solely responsible for the custody of their books and belongings. The school will not be responsible for any loss.

The Children should not carry cash or currency to school. Unless parents are requested to send money through circulars for specific reasons by the school authorities they should be very careful not to give money to children for anything. This causes undesirable behaviour among children. The school will not be responsible for any loss. In almost all cases all school payments are required to be made in the bank.

Parents are requested to please question their wards on being asked for money to be deposited in the school. In case of slightest doubt please verify from the school authorities before giving money to the students.

The observation of rules of discipline laid down by the school and good behavior is an essential condition to a student's continuance in school.

Use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gutka, pan masala, pan and chewing gum in any form within the school premises are totally banned. The possession of the same may result in the expulsion of the student from the school. The school is likely to carry out surprise checks of students and their belonging for possession of the banned items.

Application of mehendi (henna) /colour/ tattoo/ nail polish mascara/ colored contact lenses etc on any visible part of the body is prohibited.

No student shall indulge in lending/ borrowing of money in any form and carry out any kind of business activity overtly / covertly. In addition, lending/ borrowing of any items by students is prohibited.

Students are to address their teachers and all members of the school Staff with due respect and politeness. Arrogant and challenging behaviour towards teaching or non-teaching staff is forbidden. On their way to and from school students must behave in a gentlemanly manner.

It is mandatory for all students to speak only in English in the school campus. Serious steps will be taken against those found speaking in vernacular in the school campus at any time. This rule is applicable even on holidays.


No student will move within the school with their school bags except while in the morning when coming and similarly while going. They should move only with the requisite books/note books and equipment when going out of their class.


Last period movement- Before the start of the national anthem, all students present in library/lab/Sci room, to return to their classroom after the 1430h bell .




Extract of advisory from the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi forwarded vide D.O. No.12-19/2012RMSA-1 dated 8th November, 2016


Recent research in school education indicates that a major issue and cause for concern among students in schools is bullying. Bullying/ ragging is a damaging feature in schools. Nature of bullying can be, diverse and complex. Bullying can be directly from the bully to the victim (eg, through physical intimidation or attacks, verbal abuse, unwanted attention and advances, damaging property), or it can be indirect (eg, through spreading malicious rumours). It can also include cyber-bullying (eg, sending unpleasant sms messages, photographs or emails, to the victim or to others).

Bullying has severe detrimental effects on those who are bullied. The effects can be immediate. They can also be long-term and can cause lifelong damage. In every bullying situation, there are typically three key parties: THE VICTIM, THE BULLY OR BULLIES, AND THOSE WHO STAND BY, WHO ARE AWARE OF THE BULLYING. Each of these three parties is affected negatively by bullying .

The responsibility of preventing any undesirable aspect of bullying and ragging rests jointly and also individually on Head of the institution, Teachers, non- teaching staff, the students and the parents.

The methods of intervention are as important as methods of prevention. School's decision, taken after following process of fair investigation, should not be ordinarily challenged. Penalties which may be taken by the School Management as per observation and understanding the gravity of the misconduct are as follows:

a)       Oral/written warning.


b)       Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period.


c)       Withholding or cancelling the results.


d)       Imposition of fine up to a specified amount


e)       Expulsion/rustication from school in rarest of rare cases.




From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
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