School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320




Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.

Evaluation, Promotion & Awards

Primary Section : Classes LN-4

There is no regular routine examination at the primary levels. The primary classes follow a process of continuous evaluation on the basis of the work done in school and follow up done at home. After every term, the evaluation grades along with a detailed subjective report as applicable are given to students based on teacher's own continuous observation of the students.

Secondary Section : Classes 5-8

The academic year is divided into TWO TERMS. A process of holistic school quality assessment on a regular basis has been implemented.

At the end of FIRST TERM there is a FIRST TERM comprehensive evaluation and at the end of the SECOND TERM there is another comprehensive evaluation.

Each of the two evaluations are of 80–90 marks. 10–20 Marks for both the examinations are based on continuous Internal evaluations. As per details given in subsequent pages.

The continuous internal assessments is based on a combination of Periodical class evaluation/ Practical/ Projects – group / sub group / individual / Activity based learning.

The annual comprehensive Evaluation is out of the 100% syllabus of Second Term and 20% pre-determined syllabus of First TERM. Marks allotted for the First Term syllabus do not exceed 15 Marks out of total 80-90 Marks for the Annual Comprehensive Evaluation.

The acceptable mark to indicate adequate comprehension by the student for individual subject is 40% with an overall aggregate also of 40%

It is an established fact that a certain percentage (80% in case of school) of attendance is required to ensure that the students know the subject. The attendance is calculated one day before the examination. This is inclusive of absence on account of illness and any other special circumstances.

Normally admissions from other institutions will not be encouraged. A pre condition for a student to admission/ continuation in Class 9 is a minimum of 40% marks in each subject / segment (Internal& External) with an overall aggregate of 40% in Class 8 as well as 40% in individual subjects.

Secondary Section : Classes 9 & 10

Based on the rules and regulations of Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, promotion from Class 9 to Class 10 will be done on the basis of the cumulative achievement level of the student throughout the academic year in the subjects he/she has been registered for. The candidate is required to have obtained at least 33% marks in aggregate in five subjects including English on the cumulative average and also by obtaining at least 33% marks in five subjects including English in first term and annual examination, and a minimum attendance of 75% of the working days. Promotion on trial/with re-examination with grace marks will not be granted from Class 9 to 10. Pass certificates will be awarded to the candidate who at one and the same examination (Board examination for class 10) has appeared for and passed minimum 6 subjects and has attained the pass standard in at least 5 subjects which must include the subject English. Also to attain a pass grade in SUPW as detailed in subsequent pages.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of the First Term there is First Term Examinations and at the end of the Second Term, Annual Examinations / ICSE (Board) will be conducted.

Each of the two exams are of 80 -90 marks. 10-20 marks for both the examinations are based on continuous internal assessments.

The continuous internal assessment is based on a combination of Periodical class tests/ Practical / Projects- group/ sub group/ individual / activity based learning.

Extracts from the Regulation. Chapter I : Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination:

The Council for The Indian School Certificate Examination : D) Minimum Attendance Requirement.

( Applicable to Classes 9 & 10)

Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily not eligible to sit for the examination. However, the Chief Executive and Secretary has the authority to condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is not less than 60% of the working days in each year of the two year course. This is inclusive of absence due to illness and other special circumstances.

Heads of Schools may represent, to the Chief Executive and Secretary, cases of candidates who deserve special consideration for condoning shortage of attendance in Class IX and / or X, provided that the attendance of such candidates is not less than 60% of the working days, during each year of the two year course.

Further, the Chief Executive and Secretary may condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is below 60% in exceptional cases i.e.:

  1. On Psychological / Medical Grounds such as serious illnesses requiring long period of treatment/hospitalization.
  2. Authorised participation in sports at State and National Level organised by recognized Sports Authorities.
  3. Other unforeseen and special circumstances.
The Chief Executive and Secretary would subsequently report the matter to the Executive Committee of the Council.

The last date for computing attendance at school is February 15, of each of the two years.

Allotment Procedure of Science Stream for Class 9

In the month of Feb every year the process of allotment of Science Subject to Class 9 will be started. This will be provisional till the results of Annual Examination are declared. The allotment would be based on student/guardian choice and the first term marks as also due diligence at the school.

 Science subjects will be allotted conditionally as stated below:-

1. Allotted science with condition that if they secure below 45% (inclusive) in the external assessment (out of 80 marks paper) and have an average of 55% combined internal (out of 20 marks for projects) and external assessment (out of 80 marks paper) at the annual examination inclusive of Science subjects of class 8 in Mar, they will be asked to opt for CST.

2.  Students/Parents Choice Science but not recommended by the school and allotted CST can be considered for allotment of  science with condition that they have to secure above 45% (inclusive) in the external assessment (out of 80 marks paper) and have an average of 55% combined internal (out of 20 marks for projects) and external assessment (out of 80 marks paper) at the annual examination inclusive of  Science subjects of class 8 in Mar. Only then they will be considered for allotment of science. Till then they will stand allotted CST.

A final list will be put up along with the results of the Annual Examination.


The BGES School (ICSE) looks upon Use of Unfair Means (Cheating) as the most grievous act in the school by any student specially during Evaluation/Examination. Consequences of indulging in such practice can lead to rustication from the school.

Adequate warning is given to students through well-established practices so that students are constantly reminded.

Before the commencement of any evaluation/examination, all students must check their pockets, desk, body, pencil box, their surroundings, etc. and remove every bit of paper or writing which may later put suspicion to on the student for having used means or cheating.

If the School is satisfied that a Student has made previous arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any persons connected with examination, the Student is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls of the school.

Students who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be reported to the Principal and liable to strict disciplinary action.

The Invigilator, or any member of the supervisory staff, shall seize the answer scripts in which the use of unfair assistance is suspected.

The Invigilator shall send the seized answer scripts, will report the matter giving the details and evidence and the explanation of the Students concerned, to the Principal on the day of the occurrence.

In case the Students concerned refuses to give explanatory statements they should not be forced to do so, only the fact of refusal shall be recorded by the Invigilator on duty, at the time of occurrence.

The Invigilator has the discretion to permit such candidates to answer the remaining part of the question papers but on answer sheets separate from those in which the use of unfair means is suspected.

If it is subsequently discovered by the school that Students have either copied from other Students, or given an opportunity to other Students to copy from them, or communicated dishonestly with other Students, by way of similar answers or any other circumstantial evidence, such student/s will be liable for strict disciplinary action.

Students detected in approaching directly or indirectly any member of the staff of the School with the object of influencing him/her regarding the examinations, will be liable for strict disciplinary action.

Students are not permitted to have in their possession, any book, memorandum, or pocket – book, notes, or papers whatsoever, except the correct question paper while in the examination room. They must return any incorrect question papers to the Invigilator immediately.

The decision in respect of the results of Students who are suspected of using unfair means may be delayed considerably.



Heads of Schools are reminded of the minimum attendance requirement for the ICSE (10) and ISC (12) Examinations, which is given in the respective ‘Regulations’.

Entry to the ICSE (10) and ISC (12) Examination in the case of eligible candidates who are being entered for the first time, is restricted to candidates with a minimum of 75% attendance of the working days during each year of the two-year course at schools affiliated to the Council and registered for the ICSE (10)/ISC(12) Examinations.

Heads of Schools are required to inform the Council not later than 15th February, of candidates entered for the ICSE (10) and not later than 31st January for the ISC (12) Examinations who are short of the 75% attendance requirement. Representations on behalf of such candidates with full details may be made by the Heads of Schools so as to reach the Council not later than the stipulated dates and these will be considered, provided the attendance is not short of 60% of the working days


Important Notes

The School may not keep on its Rolls pupils who are above the average age of the class.

The Principal's decision is final in all matters related to promotion.

Use or attempt to use unfair means in any examination will lead to strict disciplinary action. Repetition of such offence may result in expulsion from the school. Use or attempt to use unfair means in any examinations, will result the student being awarded ZERO in the subject as applicable both for the internal assessment and the examination. This is in addition to any disciplinary action taken by the school depending on the circumstances.

Absence of a student during the examination for any reason whatsoever will be reflected as such ( AB) in the progress report. Non submission of project (Internal assessment) on time will also be treated as absence and marked as AB. AB in any one part i.e. Internal / External assessment will result in Total being marked as Absent (AB). This confirms to the guidelines /regulations for ICSE Examination.

There is no provision in the school for RETEST / RE-EXAMINATION for students who are absent from any examination. No Retest / Re-Examination are conducted by the school.

The total number of working days are approximately 225. Students must obtain 80% / 75% attendance as applicable, failing which they may be debarred from taking the Evaluation/Examinations. Students remaining absent for too long or too often before any evaluation/examination may not be allowed to take that evaluation. In general terms for every day of absence, starting six working days before the exam, the student may lose five minutes in any one evaluation/examination per day of absence as decided by the School.

A Progress report is issued to the parents twice a year. For Classes Nursery to I, the reports must be signed by the parents, preferably the father or guardian and returned to the class teacher after verification. Absence tolerance limit of 20% / 25%, includes all types of absence including absence due to medical reasons and long sickness. There is no special and separate allowance of absence on account of sickness or any adverse medical condition.



Students excelling in ICSE Examination are awarded Computers/Tabs. The student must take admission and attend classes11 & 12 at The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School (ISC Section) at 5, LLR Sarani, Kolkata.

  1. First three will be awarded LAPTOPS.
  2. Student whose aggregate score is above 90% will be awarded a TAB (Eng +4)
  3. Student whose aggregate score is above 80% will be awarded a TROPHY and CERTIFICATE
  4. Student who scores above 90% in individual subject with minimum aggregate of 80% ( Eng +4) will be awarded CERTIFICATE.


As per ongoing effort to encourage students to enhance their own Academic Performances, an award scheme since academic year 2013-14 to all students from Classes 6 to Class 9 of our school has been instituted by The Bhawanipur Gujarati Shishya Pratisthan (BGSP) with an aim to inculcate Self Competing approach by all students and to improve our school results in the memory of Late Hemantikaben Puri.

Outline of the Scheme

The awards are based on the improvement of the aggregate in percentage over the last year Annual Evaluation by the individual students. The eligibility criteria is as follows:-

  1. Previous class annual evaluation assessment all subjects aggregate will be compared with all the subjects aggregate of the next year annual evaluation assessment. For example - Class 6 students (2010-11) result will be compared with class 5 (2009–10) results of the student concerned and so on up to students passing class 9.
  2. All eligible students as per paragraphs (c) to (e) will get a cash scholarship of Rs. 2000/- (Two thousand only) each for the above academic year. Subject to the under mentioned degree of improvement is achieved by the individual student in the two consecutive Academic years.
  3. 10% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of 40% up to 70% aggregate in the previous Academic Year. (Minimum requirement to gain promotion in the next class based on aggregate for promotion as laid down in the school diary.)
  4. 7.5% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of 70% plus up to 90% aggregate in the previous Academic year.
  5. 1% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of above 90% aggregate in the previous Academic year.


Criteria for qualifying for the award

  • A student is required to score minimum 80% in aggragate and 80% in individual subject, in both First Term and Annual Examination/ Evaluation.
  • Award is based on the performance in Annual Examination / Evaluation of students of classes 8 & 9 who secured first position in the subjects MATHEMATICS, ENGLISH and COMPUTER APPLICATIONS.
  • Awarded to one student per subject per class (Not per section)
  • One student can be awarded for more than one subject depending on the performance if the above mentioned criteria is met.
  • In case of equal position of more than one student:
    • First Consideration Comparison of marks of First Term Examination/ Evaluation marks in the particular subject.
    • Second Consideration Comparison of total of First Term and Annual Examination/Evaluation marks in the particular subject
    • Final Consideration If all the above considerations match then Joint Awardees to be declared.


From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
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