Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.
Nursery : 3 Years Completed.
Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.
Add one year for each subsequent Class.
Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.
If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.
Right of admission to school reserved by the school.
General Guidelines for all classes & Specific instructions for Classes 5- 8 (w.e.f . 01 Apr 2013)
An internal assessment is a continuous and comprehensive process of evaluation conducted during an ongoing academic session, to promote and facilitate the learning process through an active participation by students with a passive yet advisory role being adopted by the teachers. The primary objectives of the internal assessment are:
• To integrate the process of teaching and evaluation.
• To test inherent skills and analytical abilities of the students that cannot be substituted by a written examination.
• To continuously formulate innovative ideas in a congenial environment.
• To encourage the active participation of students in self-assessment of their thinking skills.
• To promote inter and intra personal skills between students and teachers for effective communication.
• To co-ordinate a teacher's role as a mentor and guide.
To ensure better comprehension and sincerity towards their studies, it has been decided that w.e.f 01 Jul 2019, for all subjects, all written homework as scheduled in the time table for classes 5 to 10, will be assessed and marked. Only those homework that are submitted on the next day or as per date of submission given by the teacher, will be considered. Non submission or absence will be awarded ZERO.
At the end of each term, the accumulation of Homework marks will be brought down to be equivalent of 50% of total internal assessment for the term and added to balance 50% marks obtained in project / practical work to form total marks for Internal Assessment.
20 % marks in each of the evaluation is to be allotted for internal assessment based purely on one of the criteria given below or a combination of more than one criteria as per subject and teacher's discretion.
1. Unit / periodical class tests (allowed only in 1st term and that to by exception only)
2. Practical
3. Project Group / sub group / individual
4. Activity based learning
Minimum one each of such above assessment required to be recorded for 1st Term Evaluation and Annual Evaluation respectively. Please understand the terminology given in the Council Internal Assessment Guidelines.
The internal assessment need not be always submitted as a written project individually, as also the submission of written work may be allowed on CD instead of register / folder.
Generally for the 1st Term Evaluation, the projects may be based on group / sub groups to be oral / aural / multimedia presented and do not please forget presentation through performing arts.
Also consider reaching out to the other teachers and subjects to try and achieve integration through common projects. You may give common projects but the output of students should clearly show the work of two subjects. For example a History Project on The Battle of the Buldge can be clubbed with an English project on The Charge of The Light Brigade.
In fact the following guidelines for the selection of assignments should be adhered:
Selection of an assignment should have the following broader perspectives :
An assignment should be so selected that should involve the student's benefit with regards to their future applications and must also be directly or indirectly co-related with the class room teaching. This will not only assess the cognitive skills through the application based methods but will also promulgate the investigative role of the students in the learning process.
Students must be encouraged in planning the assignment by exploring a range of contexts, identifying resources and subsequent tools of preparation needed for the assignment. The teacher to ensure all possible support and co-operation towards planning and execution of the assignment. The assignment should be so planned that it should be completed as a part of the normal classroom activity to enable the students to realize the objectives in a congenial environment.
It should be so formulated or adopted as per the needs and requirements of the given assignment taking the help of the multimedia and internet based technology as and when required.
A good assessment and evaluation is such that it not only influences and enhances future teaching and learning processes, but also explores the creative process of thinking, reflects the imaginative thinking, and must optimize the existing potential skills of students.
Thus this forum should not only be used to improve the learning skills of the students but to improve the teacher's own creative and thinking skills/inputs. It should be used as a chance to bring about change that you have always wanted, to do it your way.
For languages consider book reviews both oral and written. Also try to incorporate the assessment system as laid down for classes 9 and 10.
In view of the above, projects should be closely related to learning skills to gain knowledge by the students with regards to the topics in the syllabus.
(w.e.f 01 Apr 2014)
1. Internal Assessment for Classes 9 and 10 will follow strictly the syllabi of the year of examination and the CISCE booklet "INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF ICSE" issued by the council.
2. Below are few enumerations for execution of the above in the School.
All scientific based activities related to the mentioned subjects must be included during the period of assessment, with emphasis on participation in science exhibitions, making of live models of projects, quiz & science related competitions, scientific tours and research based activities.
Practical Examinations to be conducted and recorded in the Laboratory manual itself. There will be no External Examiner for Class 9.
Complete year Laboratory Manual will be submitted.
3. For Class 10 ICSE Examinations marks submission a consolidated tabulation sheet of 1st Term and Preliminary Examinations will be submitted.
4. Applicable for Class 9 (1st term examinations) :
Assignments / lab |
Practical Test (10) |
Viva voce on Lab |
Total out of 70 |
Total out of 20 |
manual |
(Subject Teacher) |
Manual (10) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(5x10=50) |
5. Applicable for Class 9 Annual examinations :
a. Subject teacher to demonstrate minimum five practical experiments in the second term. These be chosen from the applicable syllabi. Students to carefully observe and then repeat the same under the teacher's guidance. Students to record each of the experiment with observations in the lab manual. Each experiment will be marked by subject teacher out of 10 (Total = 5 x 10 = 50).
b. At the end of the term, there shall be a practical test and the subject teacher to mark the practical test out of 10.
c. 10 marks are a manual for the viva -voce on the complete lab manual for the period after the first term.
d. Total evaluation out of 70 needs to be sealed down to 20.
Assignments / lab |
Practical Test (10) |
Viva voce on Lab |
Total out of 70 |
Total out of 20 |
manual |
(Subject Teacher) |
Manual (10) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(Subject Teacher) |
(5x10=50) |
6. Applicable for class 10 term examinations:
a. Subject teacher to demonstrate minimum five practical experiments in the term.
Assignments |
Practical |
Viva voce on |
Total out of |
Total (out of |
Practical |
Viva voce on |
Total (out of |
Total for |
/lab manual |
Test (10) |
Lab |
70 |
20) |
Test (10) |
Lab |
20) |
marksheet |
(Subject |
(Subject |
Manual(10) |
(Subject |
(Subject |
(External |
Manual(10) |
(External |
(20+20) /2 |
Teacher) |
Teacher) |
(Subject |
Teacher) |
Teacher) |
Examiner) |
(External |
examiner) |
(5X10=50) |
Teacher) |
(Subject |
(Subject |
(Subject |
Examiner) |
Teacher) |
Teacher) |
Teacher) |
Special instructions for Class 10 :
a. In 1st term and Preliminary an external examiner will also evaluate the lab manual and practical examinations, as per marking scheme given above.
b. Marks to be sent to the ICSE Board Examinations =1st Term evaluation + Preliminary evaluation
Apart from the preceding mandatory minimum practical work as prescribed in the syllabus, suggested additional assignments that may be considered for being done by the students are as follows. Topics can be also chosen from the CISCE booklet "INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF ICSE" as given for relevant subject. Marking on these be treated and added as Bonus on marks obtained out of 20.
1. Prepare a working model of a windmill and demonstrate its use in drawing water by using the energy of the blowing wind.
2. Nuclear tests being conducted puts the world at grave risk and leads to a sense of insecurity and instability.
3. State ways to minimize electricity consumption and also prevent its wastage taking into consideration the factors like a comparative study of monthly bills paid and subsequent variation, household electric /electronic items used for consumption purposes, methods/ ways to avoid wastage and save electricity.
The following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :
Special instructions for Class 10 :
Marks to be sent to the ICSE Board Examinations =1st Term evaluation + Preliminary evaluation
On the day of the Practical Evaluation if a child is absent, he/she shall be awarded 0 (zero) for the Practical Test but will get marks for Laboratory Manual/Project File. Applicable for all subjects and all classes where ever practical is a part of internal assessment.
This segment of the syllabus is totally practical oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently.
Programming Assignments -
Students are expected to do a minimum of 20 assignments during the whole year to reinforce the concepts studied in the class.
Proposed Guidelines for Marking -
The teacher should use the criteria below to judge the internal work done. Basically, four criteria are being suggested: class design, coding and documentation, variable description and execution or output. The actual grading will be done by the teacher based on his/her judgment. However, one possible way: divide the outcome for each criterion into one of 4 groups: excellent, good, fair/acceptable, poor/unacceptable, then use numeric values for each grade and add to get the total.
Class design:
Has a suitable class (or classes) been used?
Are all attributes with the right kinds of types present?
Is encapsulation properly done?
Is the interface properly designed?
Coding and Documentation:
Is the coding done properly? (choice of names, no unconditional jumps, proper organization of conditions, proper choice of loops, error handling code layout). Is the documentation complete and readable? (class documentation, variable documentation, method documentation, constraints, known bugs - if any).
Variable and Description
Format for variable description:
Name of the variable | Data Type | Purpose / Description |
Execution or Output:
Does the program run on all sample input correctly?
For Class IX evaluation of practical work (Assignments) will be done as follows:
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner): 100 marks
Criteria |
Class design |
Variable description |
Coding and |
Execution |
(Total-100 marks) |
(20 marks) |
(20 marks) |
Documentation |
OR Output |
(20 marks) |
(40 marks) |
Excellent |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
Good |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
Fair |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Poor |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
For Class X evaluation of practical work will be done as follows:
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) |
50 marks |
External Examiner |
50 marks |
Criteria |
Class design |
Variable description |
Coding and |
Execution |
(Total-100 marks) |
(20 marks) |
(20 marks) |
Documentation |
OR Output |
(20 marks) |
(40 marks) |
Excellent |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
Good |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
Fair |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Poor |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
External Examiners will be the Computer Studies Teachers of respective sections of Class 8.
The teacher-in-charge shall evaluate all the assignments done by the student throughout the year [both written and practical work]. He/she shall ensure that most of the components of the syllabus have been used appropriately in the assignments. Assignments should be with appropriate list of variables and comment statements. The student has to mention the output of the programs.
This segment of the syllabus is practical-oriented. The aim is to develop problem-solving skills, coding abilities, and critical thinking, through hands-on experience in design, development, and testing.
Proposed Guidelines for Marking
The teacher should use the criteria below to judge the internal work done. Basically, four criteria are being suggested: class design, coding and documentation, variable description and execution or output. The actual grading will be done by the teacher based on his/her judgment. One possible way: divide the outcome for each criterion into one of 4 groups: excellent, good, fair/acceptable, poor/unacceptable, then use numeric values for each grade and add to get the total.
Class design:
Has a suitable class (or classes) been used?
Are all attributes with the right kinds of types present? Is encapsulation properly done? Is the interface properly designed?
Is the logic or pseudocode and/or algorithm is correct?
Coding and Documentation:
Is the coding done properly? (choice of names, no unconditional jumps, proper organization of conditions, proper choice of loops, error handling code layout). Is the documentation complete and readable? (class documentation, variable documentation, method documentation, constraints, known bugs – if any).
Variable Description
Format for variable description:
1. All activities that influence geographical issues may be considered for the process of assessment. Group discussions on awareness of human rights, India and its relations with the world, observation of the climatic changes and their impact on the society, understanding of local mapping, concept of GPRS, GRID reference study.
2. 1st Term (Both classes): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
3. Annual Examination (Class 9): A record file having any three of the exercises mentioned in the syllabus will be maintained.
4. Preliminary Evaluation (Class 10): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
5. Average of marks of both 1st Term and Preliminary Examination will be considered for final ICSE Examination and submission.
6. External Examiner will examine both the projects.
7. All assignments to be compiled in a single folder.
Following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :
The following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :
Students who achieve Distinction in Literary based activities of Debates, elocution, declamations, quiz, mono-acting, extempore, essay writing, event management, slogan writing etc. that enhance levels of communicative skills, will be awarded 1 mark each in Listening and Speaking Skills assignments for 10 . Mere participation will not credit marks. However, the students can be awarded maximum of 4 marks (1 mark per event) in any term. (The Judges of the above mentioned events are to be informed of this specification in advance, by the respective English I teachers).
Class 10 : 1st Term Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skill Assignments to be assessed by the Internal Examiner and the External Examiner independently. (The Internal Examiner will be the Subject Teacher and the External Examiner will be the English Teacher of respective sections of Class 7 who will be deputed to evaluate the assignments/projects of 1st Term).
Class 9: 1st Term- Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skills Assignment. (There will be no external examiner for Class IX, English I teacher to compile)
Award of Marks (20 Marks)
1) Listening Skills: 20 Marks
2) Speaking Skills : 20 Marks
(Average of 1 & 2 (40/2) to be compiled )
Class 9: Final Evaluation- Students will be required to attempt two Listening Skills and one Speaking Skill Assignment. Applicable for both Commerce and Science students. (There will be no external examiner for Class IX, English I teacher to compile)
Award of Marks (20 Marks)
1) Listening Skills: 20 Marks each for ECN and English I (20 +20)
2) Speaking Skills : 20 Marks each for ECN and English I (20 +20)
(Average of 1 & 2 (80/4) to be compiled )
Science students will require to complete both assignments as per examination schedule.
Class 10 : Final Evaluation - Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skill Assignments to be assessed by the Internal Examiner and the External Examiner independently. (The Internal Examiner will be the Subject Teacher and the External Examiner will be the English Teacher of the respective sections of Class 7 who will be deputed to evaluate the assignments/projects of the 1st Term)
Award of Marks ( 20 Marks)
1. Listening Skills: 20 Marks each for the External and the Internal Assessment (20 +20)
The Listening Skill assignments will be assessed separately by the Internal and the External Examiner on two different assignments. Both shall be conducted on the same day, with a break of thirty minutes, as per the schedule in School Diary and Calendar.
2. Speaking Skills : 20 Marks each for the External and the Internal Assessment (20 +20) (Average of 1 & 2 (80/4) to be compiled )
ICSE Exam (Class 10) : English I teacher to compile the average of 1st Term and Preliminaries Assessment marks ( 20 +20 / 2) and the total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the Council by the Head of the School.
Tabulation Sheet Class 10
English Language Internal Assessment
External-Aural (20) |
External – Oral (20) |
Ext Tot (20) |
Internal – Aural (20) |
Internal – Oral (20) |
Intnl Tot (20) |
Ext & Intnl – TOT (20+20)/2 |
TOTAL (20) |
External-Aural (20) |
External – Oral (20) |
Ext Tot (20) |
Internal – Aural (20) |
Internal – Oral (20) |
Intnl Tot (20) |
Ext & Intnl – TOT (20+20)/2 |
TOTAL (20) |
ICSE MARKS=AVG 1st term & Prelims (20+2)/2 |
A passage of about 300 words is to be read aloud by the Examiner twice, first time at normal reading speed (about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a slower speed. Candidates may make brief notes during the readings. They then answer an objective type test based on the passage, on the paper provided. The recommended number of candidates at a sitting is 30.
8. Speaking Skills
Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed by a discussion on the subject with the examiners, for about three minutes. Subjects for presentation may include narrating an experience, providing a description, giving directions as how to make or operate something, expression of an opinion, giving a report, relating an anecdote or commenting on a current event. A candidate may refer to brief notes in the course of presentation but reading or excessive dependence on notes will be penalized. It is recommended that candidate may be given an hour for presentation of their subject and that they be given a choice of subject, on a common paper.
Award of Marks
Listening Skills and Speaking Skills are to be marked equally.
The School is required to maintain a record of all assessments conducted in Listening and Speaking Skills for students of Classes 9 and 10. These include copies of the assessment tests, topics for presentation and marks awarded. The record will be maintained for a period of two months after the ICSE Examination of the candidates concerned.
Tabulation Sheet Class 10
Second Language Internal Assessment
"If no marks, or the letters 'AB' are filled in the column entitled 'Total Marks' against a candidate's name the result of the candidate in the subject will be shown as 'Absent' when the result of the examination as a whole are issued irrespective of whether the candidate appeared and obtained a result in the written paper. Thus, if the projects are not submitted on or before the last date as per the school diary the student will be treated as absent as in case of any external paper in which the student does not appear. The marks for internal assessment for such cases will be entered AB in keeping with the guidelines of the Council. In the column of the mark sheet(s) entitled 'total Marks' the result of each candidate in SUPW should be given in terms of a grade, namely A, B,C, D or E based on five point scales as follows:
Grade Standard
A Very Good
B Good
C Fair
D Satisfactory
E Unsatisfactory
Grade E is the fail grade and candidates awarded this grade will not be eligible for the award of a pass Certificate.
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