To be executed on Non Judicial Stamped Paper at the time of Admission by Parents
/ Guardians of students studying at The BGES School ( ICSE) 12B, Heysham Road,
Kolkata 700 020
This Agreement is made this _______day of _________20
between _________________ (Guardian) of
_______________________residing at____________________________________________
called the 'Guarantor' which expression shall unless excluded by the context or
the meaning there of be deemed to include his heirs, executors, successors,
administrators and legal representatives) of the one part and the Board of
Management, hereinafter called the Management) which expression shall unless
excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include the
Principal of The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School, Kolkata of the
other part.
2. Whereas ____________________________________ (Regn No__________) son/daughter
of ____________________________ (hereinafter called the student) is the ward of
the guarantor and has at the request of the guarantor been selected for
admission to The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School, inter alia, on
the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receiving
education, if considered by the appropriate authority to be suitable and if
there is any vacancy and he/she be selected.
Now its
hereby agreed by and between the parties here to as follows:
3. That in consideration of the student being admitted by the management, The
Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School for the purpose of the aforesaid
education at the request of the guarantor, he/she the guarantor, covenants with
the Management that the student will attend The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education
Society School regularly and will observe and comply with all the rules and
regulations thereof for the prescribed period, and that he/she, the guarantor
shall pay to the management regularly and promptly and whenever called upon to
do so all the fees as prescribed if he/she is not in receipt of any
4. The Management and the Principal will not be liable for any damages/ charges
on account of injuries fatal or otherwise which may be sustained by the student
any time during they stay in the school, while taking part in sports,
extracurricular or any other form of activities of the school within or outside
the school premises. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such
injuries will be borne by the parent/guardian as provided in the rules of the
said school.
5. That the Principal can, in the interest of the school have the student
removed from the school if in the Principal's opinion the student has failed to
accept the discipline of the school and his/her continued presence is
detrimental to the interests of the other students and/or the student fails to
come up to the academic standard of his/her class and when detention in the same
class would make the student too old for his/her class.
6. The guarantor, covenants with the Management that student will respect and
maintain the school property. In case of wilful or otherwise, in cases of damage
caused to the school property by the student the guarantor will pay for the
damages at the rate of replacement cost and any fine that may be imposed by the
school. The guarantor also agrees that over and above the afore said, any
disciplinary action taken against the student by the school will be acceptable
without any reservations by him/her and the student.
7. The guarantor, covenants with the Management that RAGGING is banned and is a
punishable offence under the law of the country. The guarantor agrees and
accepts that in case the student is found indulging or abetting or encouraging
or indulging in anyway in Ragging, the school can take all measures as per the
prevailing law on the subject in addition to the internal disciplinary action
deemed fit. The guarantor confirms that he/she will not have any objection to
the above process and he or she or the student will not try to influence the
process or the school in anyway.
8. The guarantor agrees that the attendance is a very important aspect of the
discipline of the school. The guarantor assures the management that the
student's attendance will be observed diligently and action be taken in case the
student fails to fulfil the required attendance criteria.
9. And that if there is any dispute as to the effect of meaning of these
presents or in way touching or arising out of these presents, the same shall be
referred to the sole arbitration of the Board of Management, The Bhawanipur
Gujarati Education Society School, Kolkata whose decision shall be final.
10. The guarantor accepts that periodic increase in fees is a must to meet the
rising cost and maintain the standards of the school. It is well understood that
such increases are in the interest of the child and the guarantor will abide by
the increase. In case of difficulty the guarantor undertakes to approach the
school on an individual basis and not be part of any form of collective
representation, bargaining or agitation.
11.The guarantor hereby agrees that further continuity in higher classes will
have to be specifically sought from school and the school holds the right to
grant or refuse of such further continuation of education depending on the
overall performance of the student.
12. The guarantor hereby grants The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School
and its units the permission to use the photograph of my son/ daughter/ward in
any and all its publication, advertisement, websites, and other publicity
materials, newspapers in print or electronic media/ format etc. without any
payment or any other consideration.
13. The guarantor hereby agrees to adhere to school regulations on Uniform as
follows and given in school diary and school notices/instructions from time to
time. Except for inconspicuous earring or nose studs (for girls only when the
ear or nose has been pierced).
No clip-ons allowed on hair, no jewellery is allowed to be worn by boys
or girls in the school. Ear studs for boys is prohibited.
No student is permitted to wear nail
polish or to streak/colour his/her hair, Kajol/Liner on eyes. Use of styling gel
on hair or fancy haircut to exhibit an extraordinary look is not permitted.
Attending school with application of mehendi (henna)/colour/tattoo/nail
polish/mascara/coloured contact lenses etc is prohibited. Wearing of Photo
chromatic spectacles/Coloured Contact lenses/Sun glasses in school is not
permitted. The school is proud of non-political and non-denominational character
which cannot be compromised in any circumstances. While appreciating individual
needs to uphold religious practices, the school also has its own precedence and
practices along with traditions which go over nine decades. It does not
encourage dressing up for identification on the basis of religion or any other
non-secular basis as also use items to distinguish oneself by their religious
identity during the school hours and activities. Wearing of ID card is
compulsory for all students during school and official engagements. Sikh boys
will use black colour turban/ under turban.
14. In witness whereof ________________________has set his/her hand and the
Principal by order and direction of the Board of Management has set his/her hand
the day and the year first above written.
Signature of legal guardian of Student
Witness for Legal guardian
Signed by the Principal
Witness for Principal
For and on behalf of the Board of Management.
The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society
School Kolkata 700 020
Seal of office
Note: Hereby solemnly declare by clicking "I Agree" you have confirmed that:
The particulars given in
the application form are correct and I agree that the admission allowed shall
stand cancelled, if any information furnished by me is found to be incorrect
and/or if the admission is not approved by any componentauthority
have carefully gone through the rules and
regulations. I admitted, we shall abide by the rules now in force and such other
rules as may be announced from time totime.
act/omission/documentation done during the process of admission of my child/ward
to school will not amount towards any claim/right of admission to theschool.
4. The admission of my ward will remain provisional till submission of all the above documents. If the documents are not submitted by last date as above, my ward’s provisional admission/application for admission be cancelled.
5 I will not make any request whatsoever afterwards, for readmission or refund of fees already deposited if the provisional admission is cancelled.
Admission to The BGES
School (ICSE) is not available for students who have not cleared the passing
examination of the class(without any condition) for which admission sought,
either for retention in the same class or for promotion to the nextclass.
I also thank you for admitting my
child/ward to your institution, though meant for children with Gujarati